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Seems a nice alternate version of Nintendo's silverseries "Ball" . Can't play it on my Mac. Is there going to be an online version? If so, let me know, then i'd like to share it on my game page, if you don't mind.

Hi Flyzy! unfortunally i´m a noob doing Godot games (and games in general) so I don´t know how to make a version to MacOs (and I do not have one Mac to check it). Probably in a future I will make a web version, but with my knowledge, it´s something pretty difficult to me... Thank you for your interest in mrCastelao!!! <3

You're welcome. Looking forward to the web version.

Jajaja, gustoume que usaras unha versión do himno en midi! Fenomenal traballo!

Xa como tip persoal, a próxima vez recorda exportalo sen a opción de debug, que así non xenera o .sh en Linux nin se abre a terminal (non probei a versión de Windows), pero vamos, que parabéns!

Gracias!! E se rematas o xogo e accedes ao modo difícil poderás oir o himno do antigo reino de Galicia hahaha o tema de versións non teño nin idea así que gracias pola info!!

Brutal, encantoume! Super orixinal :)

gracias!!! <3